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Chiura Obata

Chiura Obata

Chiura Obata

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Sierra Nevada Series

Chiura Obata, Lake Basin in High Sierra, ca. 1930
Lake Basin in High Sierra, ca. 1930
Chiura Obata, Evening Glow of Yosemite Waterfall, Yosemite National Park, California, no. 23 of the World Landscape Series, 1930
Evening Glow of Yosemite Waterfall, 1930
Chiura Obata, Along Mono Lake, 1927
Along Mono Lake, 1927
Chiura Obata, Before Thunderstorm, Tuolumne Meadow, High Sierra, California, 1930
Before Thunderstorm, Tuolumne Meadow, 1930
Chiura Obata, Clouds, Upper Lyell Trail along Lyell Fork, Sierra, California, 1930
Clouds, Upper Lyell Trail along Lyell Fork, 1930
Chiura Obata, Eagle Peak Trail, Yosemite, California, 1930
Eagle Peak Trail, Yosemite, 1930
Chiura Obata, Evening Glow of Mono Lake, Mono Mill, High Sierra, USA, 1930
Evening Glow of Mono Lake, 1930
Chiura Obata, Evening Moon, Yosemite, California, from the World Landscape Series, 1930
Evening Moon, Yosemite, 1930
Chiura Obata, Lake Mary, High Sierra, National Park, USA, 1930
Lake Mary, 1930
Chiura Obata, Sundown at Tioga, Tioga Peak, High Sierra, California, 1930
Sundown at Tioga, Tioga Peak, 1930
Chiura Obata, Upper Lyell Fork, Near Lyell Glacier, High Sierra, California, 1930
Upper Lyell Fork, Near Lyell Glacier, 1930
Chiura Obata, Life and Death, Porcupine Flat, High Sierra, California, 1930
Life and Death, Porcupine Flat, 1930
Chiura Obata, Lake Basin in High Sierra, Johnson Peak, High Sierra, USA, 1930
Lake Basin in High Sierra, Johnson Peak, 1930
Chiura Obata, Silence; Last Twilight on an unknown lake, Johnson Peak, High Sierra USA, 1930
Silence; Last Twilight on an Unknown Lake, Johnson Peak, 1930

Other California Landscapes

Chiura Obata, Setting Sun on Sacramento Valley, California, 1930
Setting Sun on Sacramento Valley, 1930
Untitled (Cliff and Ocean), 1932

Early Work

Chiura Obata, Mother Earth, 1912
Mother Earth, 1912